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Instander 17.2 (Clone)

You don’t have to remove the Original Instagram application to install this package.


Instander 17.2 (Original)

You have to remove the Original Instagram application from your device to install this package.

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Instander 17.2 Changelog

Added Monet theme for Android 12+;
Added disabling the Monet theme;
Fixed Feed loading on some devices;
Fixed Reels download button;
Fixed Alte & Hoefler New fonts;
Raised the target SDK to 33.

Instander 17.1 Changelog

Added 60-sec Stories;
Fixed download button on three-dot menu;
Fixed MobileConfig updater.

Instander 17.0 Changelog

Migration to Instagram version;
Update minimum requirements to Android 9+, ARM64-v8a;
Added Reels scrubber;
Added a badge when watching a Live;
Added new fonts to Stories;
Added new translations: Arabic, Armenian, Belarusian, Dutch, French, German, Hebrew, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Kazakh, Korean, Malayalam, Polish, Spanish, Turkish;
Fixed “Ґґ, Єє, Іі, Її” in script font;
Fixed a bugs that depended on me or my intervention.
Removed Monet theme for SDK 31+ (will be added in next update);
Removed In-App Lock (Because of blockchain vulnerabilities that cannot be fixed);
Removed video scrubber;
Removed Mark as read;
Removed Instander Backup Settings;
Removed Download button in feed (Now the download button is only in the three dots menu);
Removed message when connecting to the Live in Ghost Mode;
Removed long-press and triple-press gestures;